Resident Evil 4 Disc 2 Gamecube
Resident Evil 4 Gamecube, 2 discs? The Gamecube version of Resident Evil 4 has 2 discs, and I was wondering, are both discs used to play through the game, or is one for extras like mercenaries/ trailers/seperate ways/etc.? Resident Evil 4, known in Japan as Biohazard 4, is a survival horror game developed and published by Capcom. The sixth major installment in the Resident Evil series, it was originally released for the GameCube in 2005. Six years after the events of Resident Evil 2, former Raccoon City police officer Leon S.
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- Resident Evil 4 (usa) (disc 2).7z - Nintendo Gamecube
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Strongest Gun!
After unlocking the handcannon, buy it from the merchant(it will cost 0 pesetas). Save up your cash to upgrade it. When you can get the exclusive upgrade the handcannon gets 99. 9 firepower and unlimited ammo!
1 Shot 1 Kill
As you get farther in the game zombies will get harder to kill. To save ammo, if there are only 1 or 2 zombies, just use your pistol and shoot them in the head they will be dazed or dead if there dazed run to them and kick them then if there still alive hack them with your knife.
Invincible Merchant
This is a glitch I discovered in the game. Thisglitch makes the merchant invincible for atime. To do this, equip the Mine Thrower, and,at point blank range, aim and fire it at hisface. The mine should explode instantly. Youwill be thrown back, but he will still bethere. Once this happens take out any weapon,and shoot/throw it at him, he won't go down. Ijust have 2 warnings about this glitch. Firstof all, you will not be able to talk to him inthis state. Secondly he will only be in thisstate until you go to a door that takes you toanother section (a door that has a mini cutscene when it opens), and if you go back andshoot him, he will die, and you won't see himagain. I also recommend that you have infinatehealth using Gameshark or Action Replay, thismakes it so you don't have to worry aboutkilling yourself when you use the Mine Thrower.
Easy Boss Kills
After you beat the game for the first time, eachtime you approach a boss in the game, you'll forsome reason always have enough money to purchasea rocket launcher. Unless your saving for theinfinate launcher, it would be best to buy thenormal Launcher for the bosses.
Ambush Congregation In The Castle For $$
In the castle area, right after engaging theBugs in the sewers, you will see a large groupof Ganados Zealots in mid prayer. If you spookthem they will run away, and you miss out onALOT of money. Right before the sewer they giveyou a flash grenade. SAVE IT. When preparing theambush on the congregation, go north then swingacross the chandelier. When on the other sidelook down, and try to hit them all with a flashgrenade to stun. Immediately jump down and runnorth to their exit point so you lock them in.If you have an incendiary or frag grenade youcould use it here, other wise line them up forsome shotgun carnage. They will each drop aspinel and their leader drops an Illuminadospendant, worth around 32000 altogether.
Chicago Typewriter
To get a machine gun called the ChicagoTypewriter, succesfully get all 5 plagas samplesin Assignment Ada.
Infinite Launcher
To get a Rocket Launcher with endless ammo, theInfinite Launcher, complete story mode once. Itwill be on sale for 1,000,000 pesetas.
Burn Them
If any zombie has a torch in their hand shoot their hand or arm and they will burn themselves.
Never Lose All Bullets
All of you ppl use those headshots to take care.Not me. Go shoot a zombies knee. He'll getstunned. Then go right to his face and press A.Leon will kick and the zombie and the zombie isdead. This saves a bunch of ammo, which is whatyou'll care about as the game goes on.
Max Out Your Health
About halfway through chapter 2-1, you canmax out your health. When you get to El Gigante(the giant, ogre guy), you can find a yellow herbin the area. Look for a green herb in the housesif you don't have one. Mix the herbs together anduse them. Let El Gigante kill you. You should beable to find the yellow herb again and yourhealth will keep its extension. You can do thisuntil your health maxes out. This is the onlyplace it works, so do it there.
Lethal Weapon
At times you can open a door to get the attentionof an enemy. Then step back till they are at thedoor trying to get through. When and if thishappens double tap the A button to kick the dooropen. If you did it correctly it will knock theenemy down, then you press the A button when itshows to suplex them and somestimes it kills them.
Yellow Herbs?
That's right, combine these with a green herb andnot only do you get your health back but yourmaximum health will upgrade, just like an RPG.
Kill The 2nd Head Easier
Save your flash bang grenades because if you blow their head off and the zombie grows another one throw the flash bang and its head explodes this can save a lot of ammo.
Another Way To Kill Krauser
If you encounter krauser with Leon the best way to kill him and save ammo is by pulling out your knife and simultaneously slash him. Be sure to have a green herb or a first aid spray because chances are he will fight back.
Get Eaten By The Alligator
Go to the pier near the lake and shoot up in theair with a pistol at least 7 times and thealligator should come up out of the lake and eatyou right off the pier. Make sure your at the endof the pier.
Get Pimp Suit
Beat the game on Professional. This will also give you Ashley's armor suit. She cant die!
A Really Good Gun
When you are searching for the little blue stoneseverywhere when you find 10 you can get a gun forfree. For an even better gun shoot all of thelittle blue stones (15 stones) you will get aneven better gun.
One Hit Kill El Gigante
Resident Evil 4 Rom Gamecube Disc 2
Other people are gonna tell you to use a shotgunor butterfly gun on el gigane, but really theeasiest way to beat him is using a rocketlauncher. It kills him in one shot, so don'tmind spending 30,000 to get the gun, cause afteryou beat him your getting 15,000 back anyway. Ifyou don't have the launcher though, a fewgrenades don't hurt.
Beating Krauser
Right before you fight him you'll come across acamp and you go underground and meet up with themerchant. By then you should be able to fullyupgrade the Broken Butterfly. Do it because whenfully upgraded it kills any boss in four to fiveshots. I killed Krauser in five shots withoutaiming at his head, even at his knees it counts.One shot to his knees and one to his chest 2x,then one final blow to his knees. Enjoy sendingthis bad boy commando back to training.
Sell Dat Gun For A Little More
When you want to sell one of your guns foranother gun but you wont have enough, just reloadthe gun and it will be worth more.
Catching Ashley
In some levels you have to walk around withashley behind you, and she cant do everythingyou can do by herself. Like when you jump downfrom a spot you will see 'Catch' at the bottomof the screen. Push The 'A' button and she willjump down and you will catch her. And There aresome spots where you can make her hide inplaces. Do This With the 'X' button.
Easy Money
Once your in the caslte always check behindpictures of Saddler, you will find 5,000 goldeverytime.
Ashley's White Underwear!
When you enter the castle stage, go to placeswhere you go down and catch Ashley from the top.Except don't catch her, instead you pull out yourrifle (if you have one)and zoom in for look on awhite underwear! To get a better look buy thebetter scope from the merchant.
Chainsaw House
When you first enter Pueblo, there is a house onthe top right (if you look on your map, the onenear the center spot) This place containsammunition and the shotgun and a grenade. Ifyou want the shotgun, do not go in there untilyou've cleared out the villagers, because achainsaw villager will come! simply waste allthe villagers till they leave, then enter thehouse, the shotgun will be right there, clearout the houses without having fear of beingattacked for the chainsaw bagman can kill you inone slice of his chainsaw, and since your in asmall building, this is very likely.
Dog Rescuer
In the beginning of the game after you pass thebig house and small hut, you will encounter adog trapped in a bear trap. If you save him, hewill then help you defeat the first 'El Gigante'later in the game.If you don'y save him, youwill have to kill the 'El Gigante' without hishelp.
Assignment Ada
To get a game where you play Ada, complete storymode once. Assignment Ada will be found at themain menu.
The Mercenaries
To get the mini-game, The Mercenaries, completestory mode once. The Mercenaries can be found atthe main menu.
To get the rapid-fire handgun, Matilda, completestory mode once. You will get a message sayingthat you can now buy Matilda.
Hand Cannon
To get a powerful gun called the Handcannon, geta 5 star ranking on each level, with eachcharacter in The Mercenaries.
Shotgun At The Start Of The Game
At the very first of the game, at the very firsttown, after you kill all of the civilians,search all the buildings, in one of thebuildings upstairs is a shotgun hanging on thewall. There should be some ammo for it on thetable too.
Chainsaw Lady
After you defeat the zombie people from comingin the house where Luis helps you, you could gotwo ways. If you take the way near the sales manthen you will have to fight a chainsaw lady. Youshould start off by making Ashely hide and killall the zombie people in the area. You will seea pit but leave Ashely hiding in the trash canthing, dont bring her with you. You need arocket launcher for this. Once you jump into thepit the chainsaw lady will come with thosezombie people. All you have to do is aim yourrocket launcher at her and fire. You will behurt alot so be sure to have a first aid sprayor some herbs cause the villagers will jump intothe pit after you kill the chainsaw lady.
Kick That Door Open!
When opening a door, double-tap the A buttoninstead of pressing it once. If you're not at acontinue point, you will kick it open instead ofjust pushing it!!
Saving Bullets
There are lots of boxes and barrels that you canblast open with your gun, they will contain allsorts of items, however, you also wanna keep yourbullets. Instead of shooting the boxes, hold downL and press A, you'll swipe at the boxes with yourknife. This trick can be used to break windows,display cases, locks and bear traps. Also if youknock a villager down, try knifing them whilethey're on the ground as one bullet does keep themdown for a little while.
Sell It For More!
You will obtain some items that aren't worth muchinitially as a trade, however, if you add certainjewels to them, they will be worth way more. Theeasiest example is the beer stein. As is it's notworth much, but it has room for 3 jewels to beadded. Adding the jewels will up its value!
Death Of A Salesmen
If you're feeling kinda bored ... or hostile andyou feel like screwing yourself over for the restof the game, simply find the merchant and shoothim in the head. Now he's gone on you're on your own.
Animal Cruelty
Running low on health without an herb in sight?Simply find yourself a crow, a fish, a dog, achicken or a cow. Shoot them till theymoves-no-more and voila, you have a health item!
Man's Best Friend
Early on in the game you'll come across a wolfcaught in a bear trap. You can choose to help thisanimal or leave it by pressing A. If you help thedog, you will be rewarded later when he helps youdefeat a boss!
The Punisher
In the village and the cemetery you will noticeblue necklaces haging in trees and other areas.Shoot these jewels with your gun. Destroying 10 ofthem will unlock a weapon from the stranger in thewoods, a 9mm pistol called The Punisher.
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We have no unlockables for Resident Evil 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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Resident Evil 4 Disc 2 Gamecube Iso
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